Malaria: The mosquito bourn killer disease that can be fought with pyrethrum



Amid the uncertainty and turmoil caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important not to forget about the other battles that Kenyans have to face on a day-to-day basis. Mosquitoes are classified as the world’s most dangerous animal, judged by the number of people they kill each year. The most wide-spread disease carried by mosquitoes is Malaria and that accounts for 10,700 deaths in Kenya each year. That’s almost 10x the amount of people that have been killed by COVID-19 inside our borders to date (Jan 2021) and that happens every year, and unfortunately many malarial deaths are young children.

Facts about Malaria

    • Malarial mosquitos are often completely silent, meaning that annoying whine at night may be nothing more serious than a sleepless night.
    • There are four different types of malarial parasite, all with varying degrees of potency.
    • Malaria is only transmitted by female mosquitoes – it is the female that bites humans
    • Symptoms of malaria only develop after 10 days from the time of the bite.


    Mosquitoes also carry other diseases including dengue fever, chikungunya and yellow fever

    However, despite all that doom and gloom, mosquitos can be both KILLED and REPELLED, and that’s where we come into our own. Ever since Kapi was founded in 1964 we have been working tirelessly to fight Malaria, and after thousands of clinical trials, millions of dead mosquitoes, blood, sweat and tears, we can finally present to you THE MOST COMPLETE RANGE OF MOSQUITO INSECTICIDES ON THE KENYAN MARKET. Whether you are in the forests of Kakamega, the white sand beaches of Kilifi, the plains of the Masai Mara or just in your bedroom at home we have the perfect product for you!

    To find out more, visit our website at:


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Pyrethrum is a 100% natural and environmentally friendly insecticide. It is broad spectrum, meaning it kills virtually all insects, yet it has very low mammalian toxicity, and is therefore safe for use with humans and most warm blooded animals.
Its application in agriculture is also unique.

As it is 100% natural it can be used as an insecticide in organic farming, and is one of the few insecticides allowed for use in Certified Organic Production of crops in Europe, the USA, Australia and New Zealand.

Pyrethrins (the active chemicals in pyrethrum) have been used in insect control for more than 170 years. The commercial production of pyrethrum flowers in Kenya started in 1928.